Theme Editor

You can use the Theme Editor to customize the Portal design.

See also: To learn how to open the Theme Editor, see Open Apps and Theme Editor.

The Theme Editor is divided into several sections.


In the Portal section, you can adapt the portal colors, CD colors and the logo to your company. A preview shows directly how your changes affect the Portal design.

Changed Portal colors can be reset to the default colors. To do this, click the Reset button.

Note: The font colors in the Portal are automatically adjusted depending on the selected background color. In this way, there is always sufficient contrast between the font color and the background color, and readability is guaranteed.

Change logo:

  1. Open the Theme Editor via the App menu in the Portal

  2. In the theme editor, click on the Upload logo button in the Portal tab at the top left of the Logo section:

  3. Select the file with your logo and open it

Define CD colors:

In the CD colors area, you can create as many colors as you like, which are then suggested everywhere in Aeneis as a quick selection when selecting colors.

To create a CD color, click on the plus symbol in the CD colors section of the theme editor. You can then easily adjust the newly created color by clicking on the color field.


In the Diagrams section, you can configure for org charts the color in which the shapes of certain categories are displayed in the working draft:

Note: The color coding in the org chart for previous versions of an object is not changed by new settings.

See also: Org charts

Instructions - Add diagram colors:

  1. Open the Theme Editor

  2. Switch to the Diagrams section

  3. Click on next to the heading Diagram colors

  4. Select a category in the new field:

    Note: When you start typing, matching entries are displayed first in the selection. If no matching results are found, your entry will be highlighted in red.

  5. Click on the preselected color next to the category and select a color:

  6. Click on Close


Shapes of objects that belong to the categories defined in the Diagrams section are marked with the highlighted color in the organization chart:

Change category:

If you want to change the category for a color coding, click on the category for which the color was previously defined under Diagram colors and select a new category.

Change color:

If you want to change the color coding of a category, click on the color that was previously defined for the category under Diagram colors and select a new color.

Delete color assignment:

If you want to delete the color assignment for a category, click on under Diagram colors next to the color that was previously defined for the category. The respective category is then reset to its original default color value.